I always want to be in the situation above because it feels so good. But, the game of golf has a funny way of bringing the bad bounces, short puts, missed shots which bring you to feeling not so good, anger, disappointed, and flat out annoyed of the game you love.
As I stated above it is easy to deal with stress in life and golf when everything is going your way. What do you do when it isn't.
Well in the last tournament I played I witnessed some professional golfers on how not to react. I have also seen in the years of playing golf how the average golfers react. During the tournament last weekend one of the players was frustrated enough that he threw his putter across the green. Another player cursed and expressed himself very loudly in a negative manner. This led to the golfers continuing to play bad the rest of the game and not score very well. Doesn't mean if they didn't do that they would score better, but they would have a better chance of changing the outcome.
Every golfer expresses themselves differently. It is the ones that don't let the game and the bad shots get to them that helps motivate the average golfers to see that the game is a pleasant game and not as Mark Twain once stated 'Golf is a great walk ruined'.
I enjoy playing with any level of golfer except the ones that throw clubs, get angry and blame everything but themselves. I think the worst golfer is the best golfer that shows his......
Ways you can work through the bad times during the round and after the round (you can use this for life also):
- Acceptance of how things are going. Remember acceptance is the answer to all our prayers.
- Get out of your own way. Quit putting yourself down.
- Remember this too shall pass. After the shot is hit, it is over.
- Find the good in the shot, even though you might not see it.
- Be positive and show enjoyment. Someone might be watching and that might keep them away from the game.
Until next time, keep your dreams alive by continuing to go forward even though sometimes you go backwards
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